Friday, February 20, 2009


Today I met an interesting woman. She has been a citizen of three countries, France, the United States of America and China. I have never had met a woman with three citizenship. This is so cool. She is nice and it has been a pleasure working with her.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Something sweet

Wendy’s has new frozen strawberry shake. It is with many strawberries, ice cream and sweet cream on top. It is delicious. My favorite ice cream is vanilla with chocolate syrup, walnuts and cream and cherries on top. If you taste it, you will not regret it. It is dreamy, creamy, and so sweet. It will fulfill every taste for sweetening.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My supervisor’s promise

Today was a really good and successful day for me. Today my supervisor gives me a performance review. I do not expect it at all. I fill it out the paper and give it to her back. She says that I am on top of my pay requiring by the position I am taking right now. The supervisor asks how long I have been working in the company and what are my plants for the next three years. If I continue to work for the company, I will be eligible to get a high raise at the end of three years length of time. She thinks that I am one of the best workers she has ever had. I get along with people easy and try to make fewer mistakes. I have great respect for everybody and try to make my colleagues feel comfortable around myself. In a short time, about nine months I will be eligible to get a raise, which she promises me.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The ticket

My father bought a ticket from Bulgaria to USA. The ticket includes both ways and cost 950 dollars. I have to pay at least half of the cost for the ticket. He will fly on March 7 from Sofia to Amsterdam. His next flight is going to be from Amsterdam thought Chicago to Springfield.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My test

Yesterday I had a math test. Although always studying hard for any test I am feeling nervous, and worry about it. I am telling myself to relax and stay calm in order to make fewer mistakes on the test, but I cannot stay still. Two an hours before the test, my hands were cold and sweating the same time. I had a feeling that my brain was frozen and my body was shaking. Usually, I am very nervous about the test because I have been studying very hard and I do not want to make mistakes because of my nerviness. I hope to get a good grade. My teacher told me once that her definition for a good student is the person who does the best what he or she can do. I will be satisfied with the results because I know that I am doing my best. The results of the test will be reviled next week.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I am confuse

When I was driving on my way home, I saw a complex of buildings on my left side. Actually, only one building with many apartments for rent. In front of the balcony, I saw a big green sign. “Our Residents Love Us”. What this sign does it means? Do they residents really love them? Maybe besides the check in the envelope they put a note that say “I love my apartment. I love the manager, too.” It is very confusing for me. I cannot figure it out what is the meaning of this big green sign, which is hanging out of the balcony of that building. Probably, those apartments are great place to live, or they are so bad that they need a good commercial to capture your attention.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My father

I have to think about what I want as a presents from Bulgaria. My father will bring everything what I want in his suitcase. I want to bring with him some seasonings, medicines like painkillers, cold reliefs because they are cheaper in Bulgaria. I am not very particular about that because I have almost everything here. I feel so tired right know that I cannot think about that. It was a very long day and it’s to an end.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My father is coming nex month

Today I find out that my father is coming to the USA some day in the middle of the next month. He has not booked the flight yet. I admit the surprise. I was expecting my mom to came, but she told me that my father putted pressure on her to changed her mind and make he to stay. Anyway, I am excited about my father. He has never had flown on a plane before. He worries about the whole trip because this is new for him. Probably he will be looking a little longer to find the right gate at the airport. I hope he will not get lost at the airport. Perhaps I am going to write down on a piece of paper that he is flying by himself and he does not speak English at all. I have not figure it out yet.

Monday, February 2, 2009

President Obama

For the first time the President Obama has a BlackBerry phone. The leaders of others countries can give him a call any time and his daughters, too. During the interview for the television, Obama said that he spent with his beautiful kids more time now, than by the time he was not the president. He said that his daughters have made many friends at school. If I can be a friend with them, I will jump forward.